Monday, January 31, 2011

Choker by Elizabeth Woods

Let me start with : This is a good read! Yes it's YA, yes it was a lil' on th
e predictable side...but...
While I read this with two other friends, it seems that I was the only one that had the end figured out.  When I shared my predictions one of my fellow reader, her reaction completely threw me off and had me rethinking the plot.
Lonely, bullied girl Cara gets a visit from her childhood BFF that assists her in a manic makeover.  You know that as soon as a makeover is set up most of the problems will melt a way.  Not true with Choker.  Problems get worse, which is good.  The story gets sicker and more twisted and I loved it!
It is beyond creepy and therefore I totally enjoyed it.  It was a fast read made especially faster by the building tension. 
There were some editing flaws, I blame the editor.

Kudos to Elizabeth Woods on her debut novel.

3/5 Stars!

1 comment:

  1. Agree with the creepy, thriller, fast read assessment! I know the ending was supposed to leave everything black and white with all questions answered in a shocking way, but I find myself still questioning certain aspects of the plot. I guess that's the mark of a good read? I also wonder what I would have been more or less attuned to in cara's character if I were a true young adult reader- not gonna lie this one left me blindsided me in my complacent, "old age."

    Wonder also how your theory would have evolved without my mid- read reaction. I predicted from the time i finished that you would catch on at some point before the climax- ask Karen :)

    Enjoying Blue Boy for now- Quite a different take on coming of age!
