Thursday, December 30, 2010

Room by Emma Donaghue

This book made me want to go on a backyard crusade across the world to make sure that this doesn't happen to any woman, of any age, race, religion.  Besides the fact that it is sickening to think that people like Old Nick exist, the author takes the ickiness away because it's told from the point of view of a five year old that doesn't yet get the ickeness of the situation.

This is a must read.  Even for those of you of weak dispositions, you can read this. I think that the author choosing to tell the story from the little boy's point of view is what makes it the idea of this happening around the world bearable. I can think of a few people that would enjoy this story.

I don't want to give too much away, but 4/5 stars.


  1. sounds like a good read if i ever finish the 3 i've started may add to list..

  2. I read the book and as you I loved the way the book is written. The best part for me is that the little boy see the world as it is, very simple and as the end we learned (at least that's what I learned) that it is us the "adults in this big world" who are locked inside our on room...

  3. I am divided concerning reading this book because on one hand the plot is heavy with details but it is the details that keep me from reading the book. I'm not sure I want to read something they will sicken me emotionally! Thanks for the review!!

  4. I was hooked on this book from page one. I have read so many books both fiction and non-fiction about women who have been been to hell and back and I feel awful during and after the book. This was not the case with Room. The story was unique, uplifting and inspiring because it was told through the eyes of innocent Little Jack. This story drives the point home that hate is taught to children. Hate is learned. I absolutely loved this story. The characters were so real to me. Jack points out the details that we don't necessarily seek out anymore as adults. I learned a lot from Jack, and I highly reccommend this book.
